GSoC 2018: Microkernel devroom
Jakub Jermář
2018-01-05 07:57:02 UTC
Dear Hurd developers,

another year of GSoC started and the mentor organization application
period is on until January 23 [0]. The question on the table is: would
Hurd like to participate under the Microkernel devroom [1] as it did
(very successfully) last year?


[0] https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/how-it-works/#timeline
[1] http://gsoc.microkernel.info/
Samuel Thibault
2018-01-09 21:59:46 UTC
Post by Jakub Jermář
another year of GSoC started and the mentor organization application
period is on until January 23 [0]. The question on the table is: would
Hurd like to participate under the Microkernel devroom [1] as it did
(very successfully) last year?
Will anybody be able to mentor students?

(I don't think I will have the time to)

Thomas Schwinge
2018-02-28 11:39:15 UTC
Post by Samuel Thibault
Post by Jakub Jermář
another year of GSoC started and the mentor organization application
period is on until January 23 [0]. The question on the table is: would
Hurd like to participate under the Microkernel devroom [1] as it did
(very successfully) last year?
The Microkernel devroom -- unfortunately! -- did not get accepted by
Google for GSoC 2018. :-(

The Hurd can still participate under the GNU umbrella, but...
Post by Samuel Thibault
Will anybody be able to mentor students?
... we'll need mentors for that. I'll wait if somebody speaks up to
commit to that, and only then ask to again get us listed on
Post by Samuel Thibault
(I don't think I will have the time to)
Neither will I. :-/

Nevertheless, I did register with GNU to be a mentor so that I get access
to the GSoC web page, and I'll check from time to time if any
Hurd-related applications come in.

Thomas Schwinge
2018-03-28 11:09:05 UTC
Post by Thomas Schwinge
I did register with GNU to be a mentor so that I get access
to the GSoC web page, and I'll check from time to time if any
Hurd-related applications come in.
There are none.

